Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is fruit basket manga chapter 135 and 136 out yet (english translation)? if so where can i dl or read them?

i only want these 2 chapters i have the rest already... o and is 136 truly the end??? o and wad%26#039;s the difference between manga that are %26quot;raw%26quot; and %26quot;scanlation%26quot; wad%26#039;s raw?

Is fruit basket manga chapter 135 and 136 out yet (english translation)? if so where can i dl or read them?
Yes 136 is the final chapter. 135 and 136 have not been scanlated yet, I%26#039;m still working on them. As far as we know I%26#039;m the only one working on the scanlations for these chapters right now, other groups are still working on previous chapters. ^^
Reply:the difference is tat raw is in japanese n scanlation is translated version....

u may wantto go stoptazmo to check if the latest came out annot...

genealogy mormon

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